Kubisme & Perspektif
Sabine Beyerle & David Reuter: artist residency, Studio Plesungan / Melati Suryodarmo, 2016
Workshop at the Faculty of Seni Rupa dan Desain, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia, 2016
For one week we worked together with students of the Design Faculty of the University of Surakarta at Melati Suryodarmo’s studio Plesungan.
The students were asked to develop a large-scale installation on the subject of cubism and perspective. In a workshop we explored the space that was available, the materials and developed ideas for an installation with several interlocking and merging spaces. Four groups were formed that worked on differnt parts of the installation. They were required to work completely in black-and-white, which made it possible to unify the elements and create a coherence between the four parts.